Best Dating Ideas in 2022

Being single is never easy, but it can get even tougher when you aren’t able to meet anyone. This can make it difficult to feel excited about the future and to hope that something good will come your way soon. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help ease the pain. For example, going on a date once every few weeks may not sound like much, but it will go a long way in helping you feel confident again.

The key is to focus on activities that are less stressful for your social life and more enjoyable for you as an individual. For example, joining a casual club or volunteering at an animal shelter are both great ways of making friends without having to worry about meeting someone new afterward. Another idea is going on a short trip with friends or family members – something cheap that doesn’t require too much planning beforehand. Even simply hanging out at home with a book or watching movies together with your other friends will be enough when it comes to improving your social life. Read More

Top Romantic Places in Florida

Florida is a popular tourist destination for many reasons- its stunning beaches, diverse landscape, and year-round warm weather. But it’s also a great place to visit if you’re looking for a romantic getaway. Check out our list of the top seven romantic places in Florida, and start planning your trip today!

The most common challenge people have when planning a trip to Florida is figuring out how to get there. With its large size, the state can be difficult to navigate. There are several airports in Florida, but not all of them are international airports. If you’re flying in from out of the country, you’ll need to make sure you’re flying into an airport that can accommodate your flight. The busiest and most well-known airport in Florida is Miami International Airport, but there are other options depending on your point of origin. Orlando International Airport and Tampa International Airport are also popular choices. Read More

10 Foods that are Good for your Teeth and Gums

From a young age, our parents drill dental hygiene into us on a daily basis. We must brush twice-daily, must attend dental appointments at least twice a year, and avoid sugary food where possible. However, with the increase of hidden sugar, and acid, in our everyday food, it’s becoming harder and harder to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

To help make your next dental visit a more pleasant experience, we’ve identified 10 of many everyday foods that are beneficial for your teeth and gum health.  If you are having trouble to get your kids to eat healthy then these tips may help. Read More

5 Best Frozen Meals for Weight Loss

There’s a common misconception that all TV dinners, microwave meals and frozen dinners are unhealthy. Traditionally loaded with salt, fat and sugar, it’s easy to believe they all collectively fall into the same category.  And many can be not good for you and may increase the calories that you may not want.

However, as more and more families become time-poor, the need for nutritious, delicious, affordable and most importantly quick, dinners are on the rise. Therefore, food manufacturers are hearing the call and are delivering those nutritious meals that are needed to sustain a growing family and help with weight loss as well. Below we’ve listed five food combinations that make up delicious frozen meals the entire family will enjoy.

Thai Stir-fry

When you’re looking for a delicious stir fry that has plenty of vegetables and flavor, a Thai stir-fry is a must. Rich in vibrant Thai flavors, they often house plenty of colorful vegetables such as zucchini, broccoli, carrots, cabbage and bell peppers for nutritional value. The best part is, Thai stir fry takes just minutes to cook. Read More

Top 5 Cities To Visit During Fall

While every season has its beautiful features, none could be considered on-par with Fall.

No matter where you choose to go in the world, you are sure to be met with a graceful scene of orange and yellow. If you’re looking to make a memorable trip this Fall, below are five cities which should top your list of hot spots.  But be sure to cover yourself in layers because the last thing you want is to catch a cold.

Dublin, Ireland

Dublin is a stunning place to visit at any time of the year, but it’s more so in Fall. Not only is it less crowded, but the weather proves to be mild in what is normally a seasonally volatile city.

With the peace and quiet falling upon the usually crowded streets, it’s the perfect season to meander through the streets to see what’s on offer in every nook and cranny. Enjoy the Dublin Festival Season, or why not make your way to the Irish War Memorial? It’s here that you can enjoy the eclectic mix of orange and yellow on what are normally lush, green trees.

New York City, New York

If ever there was a premium location to spend the Fall months, it’s New York City in New York. Out of the several stunning cities around the world celebrating Fall, New York City celebrates it better. From Halloween festivals and street fairs, through to pumpkin spice lattes and Cider Week, you are sure to find an event to take your fancy. Love pumpkin pie? There is no better place to get it.

In fact, New York City even celebrates OktoberFest in Central Park during Fall, as well as Cider Week, the Feast of San Gennaro and Giant Pumpkin week. It’s during Fall that children and adults alike celebrate the many things that make New York City in Fall unique.

Berlin, Germany

Berlin is a premium destination for many travellers, but it holds a certain charm in the Fall.
Home to 3.7 million people, it’s not just residents that enjoy the gold and orange scattering of leaves in every direction, it’s the tourists too. Many tourists flock to make the most of the many events that take place during Fall. This is sure to include flying kites on Tempelhof Field.

Fall is when the wind gets up and people take to the streets to enjoy kite flying exercises. In fact, the former Tempelhof Airport has been the premium destination for kite flying.

You can also enjoy two light festivals and many others during Fall in Berlin.

Prague, Czech Republic

While visiting Prague in Summer is the preferred option for many tourists, it can easily be considered more desirable in Fall. While there are many exciting happenings during this time, it’s the quiet atmosphere that many travellers will appreciate. Because Fall is less desirable for travelling, it gives you the opportunity to take in the many sights and sounds you may miss when surrounded by other tourists. Just remember to pack your winter woollies!

Aside from the peace and serenity, travellers can also enjoy The Sacred Arts Music Festival through the month of September, and the ever-popular Prague music festival as well. If you choose to head to Prague during the very cold month of October, you are sure to warm up with the International Jazz Festival. While it’s no tropical paradise in Fall, it’s certain to be a popular destination for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle.

By the way, make sure to check out Prague Zoo because 2 very endangered Tigers (Malayan) were just born there.

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul in South Korea is another beautiful city that’s as glorious to visit in Summer as it is in Fall. However, if you’re not one for the hustle and bustle of popular tourist spots, visiting in Fall is your best option. While its tree-lined streets are few and far between, it does have spectacular landmarks that can only be fully appreciated in the less-populated times of year. A visit to Seoul should be on the top of your ‘to do’ list. Just remember to bring a jacket.

How to Know Whether you’re Suffering from a Cold or a Flu?

Have you ever come across a friend or family member with a box of tissues, loudly proclaiming they have the flu? There’s a common misconception that a few sneezes, a sore throat and a running nose is a flu. However, this could not be further from the truth.

Within this article we will be outlining the symptoms for each, in order for you to differentiate between the two. That’s not to say both cannot be deadly in the right circumstances, but it can greatly help those who believe they are suffering from either one or the other.

The common cold

The common cold is an infectious viral disease that spreads through close contact with other sufferers, or indirectly through the mouth or nose when you’ve made contact with objects cold sufferers have touched.  Primarily, cold sufferers can experience coughing, a runny nose, sneezing, headaches, fever and a sore throat. If you suffer from other conditions, the risk of catching pneumonia as a result of the common cold is also much higher.

Often, the symptoms of a cold are actually not related to the cold itself, they are related to your body’s response to it. If you have a low or weakened immune system, your immune system is reacting to the infection rather than the infection attacking your body.

Unlike influenza (flu), there is no cure or vaccine for the common cold. You can take preventative measures such as staying away from friends and family suffering from a cold, and by washing your hands and being sanitary. You can also take over-the-counter medication to mask the symptoms, however there’s no evidence to say these actually cure the common cold. You must simply wait it out.


Influenza is an often far more serious virus than the common cold, especially in the elderly or those with a weakened immune system. The key is to notice the symptoms and take action. You can either opt for over-the-counter medication if you are in general good health, or see your doctor. If you suffer from other illnesses, seeing a doctor can often be a good idea. This can help prevent further complications.

Symptoms include:

Fatigue – this is generally sudden and excessive. You may feel lethargic and unable to complete simple tasks.

Body aches and chills – your body can ache anywhere, and you can feel cold all of a sudden for no reason.

Cough – a persistent cough is a good indication that you’re coming down with the flu. As soon as you begin to experience shortness of breath, chest tightening, Asthma related symptoms or wheezing, see a doctor. This is especially important if you have asthma or any other chest-related illnesses or conditions. A simple cough as a result of the flu virus can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia.

Sore throat – this is generally as a result of the persistent coughing.

Fever – if your temperate measures 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, you may be suffering from a flu-related fever.

Gastrointestinal symptoms – this could include diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting.

Children can sometimes exhibit different symptoms to adults, such as:

  • Refusing to eat or drink
  • Irritability
  • Minimal interaction
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Rash

Flu vaccines can help prevent the flu, but as there are several strains of the flu, you aren’t guaranteed to be protected against them all. However, you can greatly reduce the risk by ensuring you get your annual flu shot.

Although both the common cold and the flu can often be dealt with in the comfort of your own home, not everyone has the same symptoms or the same severity level. This means it’s essential you see your doctor if:

  • You develop chest pain
  • You can’t breathe properly
  • You are severely dehydrated and are struggling to drink
  • You are dizzy
  • Your fever is worsening
  • Your cough is worsening

Both colds and flus can be life-threatening, depending on the person and situation. It’s important you differentiate between the two, and take appropriate action.  An interesting fact about the common colds is that person will suffer much more when he or she is feeling lonely. This is according to the L.A Times.

Salt Benefits and its Variation

Continuing from my last health article on healthy food choices, I wanted to write about a common ingredient in our household and it is salt!  Salt is known to be the most abundant and the important natural resource in the world. Something you would not want to miss in your meals because most of the food would taste unexciting and bland without it. Made of two chemical elements Sodium and Chloride, the salt plays an important role in the normal life of an average person. Salt naturally forms in the ocean, but it is also mined on the land from the mines.

However, salt goes way ahead of just the taste as there are different types of salts with unique properties and distinct benefits for your kitchen and home. Salts work in favor of responsive nerves and control the electrical impulses. Apart from taste and health, there are many ways people like to use salt to improve their live

  • Removing stains and odors
  • Brightening the laundry
  • Preserving food
  • To prolong plant life
  • Ease out the sort throat
  • De-icing driveways and sidewalks
  • Acts as a great mouth wash (an alternative to using listerine)

You all must have noticed that salts come in different sizes, shapes, and color. Contradictory to the common belief, not all the commercial salts are same. There are different variety ranging in the taste delivery, texture, and mineral content. In this article, we will highlight the most commonly used salts.

Refined Table Salt

One of the most common types of salt in tabletops and kitchen cabinets is refined table salt. The salt was originally produced from evaporated sea water or salt mines and is characterized by the bleached and fine texture. Whenever you read the word refined, remember that it has been processed which means it has been modified from its original form. Table salt consists of dietary iodine that is important for many health benefits.

Benefits Of Table Salt:

  • Full of essential electrolytes
  • Maintains hydration and alkaline/acid equilibrium
  • Helps the proper functioning of nervous system
  • Chloride maintains the normal physiological activities

Harmful Effects Of Table Salts

  • Unhealthy for people with kidney problems
  • Increases blood pressure
  • Not recommended for people with hypertension
  • Can be a reason for cardiovascular diseases and strokes

Sea Salt

Sea water is evaporated to get the sea salt and is mostly used by people who have a deficiency of iron, potassium and zinc in their body. The texture of the sea salt is rough and the flakes are bigger in comparison to the normal salt. The sea salt is used by people togged rid of acne and various other skin related problems.

Benefits Of Sea Salt:

  • Good For Healthy Skin (tips to fight dry skin)
  • Helps in inducing sleep
  • Prevents hair loss, muscle cramps and reduces acidity
  • Helps in treating rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, osteoarthritis, etc.

Harmful Effects Sea Salt

  • Presence of pollutants
  • Traces of heavy metals like lead and mercury
  • High dosage can put up your blood pressure leading to heart failure and stroke

Kosher Salt

Kosher salt, also known as rock salt, is a type of edible salt with a large grain size made from the salt crystals. This was used originally by the jewish people to take the blood out of the surface of the consumable meat. The coarse texture of the salt makes it perfect element for koshering the meat. Though the table salt and kosher salt are derived from the salt mines or through evaporation of the seas water but they both cannot be taken as same. The difference in both is that the kosher salt is not iodized which makes it a perfect ant-caking agent.

Benefits Of Kosher Salt

  • Kosher salt has no additives or preservatives
  • Preserves the blood vessels and reduces the chances of heart attacks
  • Brings out natural flavour and also decreases the over all cooking time
  • Helps in regulating muscle contractions with the help of calcium and minerals

Harmful Effects Of Kosher Salt

– Lack of iodine may lead to thyroid problems

Himalayan Salt

The Himalayan salt which is considered to be the purest from of salt, is derived from the Himalayan ranges. This salt was formed after the deposits of million years of marine fossils and is derived from old sea beds found in certain geographical regions around the world. This salt was used by natives of the Himalayas to keep their meat preserved and was also bartered for various other commodities in return. Presently the Himalayan salt is used for cooking, bathing, and air purification purpose.

Benefits Of The Himalayan Salt

  • Improves the blood circulation and prevents Goitre
  • Improves the functioning of the respiratory system
  • Strengthens the bones and give aids to metabolism functioning
  • Helps in increasing hydration and balances the pH to reduce the acid flux in the body

Harmful Effects Of Himalayan Salt

  • Presence of Lead and Aluminium which may cause lethal toxicity
  • Excessive intake leads to heart diseases, high blood pressure, and water retention

When we talk about selecting a healthy salt for your diet, do not get mistaken with the price. It is always better to use unprocessed salt over refined one because of the lower sodium content and higher essential minerals. Choose a suitable salt that fulfils your needs and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Beware of Healthy Choices because they will Jack up your Calories

The most difficult part of trying to eat well and make the healthy choices is that there are so many variables that we need to understand in order to have that happy life.  You have done everything from cutting sugars, carbs and sugar out of your diet still you feel that you’re missing something.  The good news is that you are on the right path but you still need to consume the calories needed for your body to function.  This is my issue because I was felt tired because I cut a lot of foods out of my diet but I didn’t add enough calories to my body.

You have to be careful as well on how much calories you consume in a day.  On average for a lady it is best to stick around 1200 cal per day in order to lose weight but to maintain your weight, it is best to hover around the 1500 cal.

The Surprise – Beware of these Foods

There is one food ingredient that got me by surprise as I thought it was minimal in calorie count and it’s that of peanut butter.  I like to spread it on my toast and it is indeed healthy for us especially for kids, but spreading one slice of toast amounts to 150 cal already.  And usually for the average human and I’m talk about you, we usually have at least two slice of toast right?  So the total amount for this peanut butter toast sandwich is around 300 cal.  I just want you to be aware of this especially for most spreads as they can add the calorie count.

From researching another article I was surprised to see that bread that is considered low-carb has apparently more carbs than your average mixed grain variety of bread.  Another interesting vegetable(*grow your own) or fruit as I’m not sure what category it fits in, is the avocado.  This popular ingredient has increased in popularity over the last couple years.  But did you know one avocado of the average size has over 300 cal ?  And sometimes we make dip in our household and we certainly use more than one avocado.  You can easily increase the calorie count without knowing it when you are putting avocado down your system.

Before I end this article I forgot to mention how much calories the average male need on a daily basis.  In order to maintain your weight as a male it is good to consume around 2500 cal.  And if you’re trying to lose weight, it is best to hover around the 2000 cal mark.  Understand that for both male and female there are so many variables to know and these calorie counts are used for the average person.  If you’re concerned or have question please consult with a specialist or your health physician.

Are you ready for Daylight Savings Time’s this weekend

The Sunday is the dreaded daylight savings time where you have to push the clock forward by an hour unlike in the fall .  This is dependent on your area but most North Americans will have to deal with the feeling of getting up hour earlier to go to work.  Not loved by many and the majority of us are confuse on what’s the point of doing this?

Less Electricity?

There are some who say that it provides the country the upper hand on saving energy.  Strange isn’t it?  The saying goes is that there is an assumption by having a longer hours in the summer day leading to more sunlight will make the population reduced energy use.  This myth seems odd and it may go back several decades back because it apparently doesn’t hold true.

From a business article I was reading, the American Congress started to implement day-light savings time during both World Wars because of this hypothesis.  Ever since then, we have been stuck with this notion of daylight savings time.  There was a study done in order to figure out if this hypothesis was somewhat true in base from the results it stated that there was only savings of .03% per year.  Another study from the state of Indiana back in 2006, researchers saw a spike in electricity use and rose by 1 to 4% depending on the season (high percentage in the fall).

Increase in Exercise?

One study focused on kids to see if there is more exercise being done in the summer with the longer days.  This was held true in a study from Britain but from another study from the States had reported that there was an increase of heart attacks by 10%.  This is being quite knit picky now because we can find one positive and another negative on the benefits of pushing the hour ahead and back.

What the People are Saying

A little more than a third of the population think it’s worth the effort to change the clocks but this has been on the decline.  The year before close to 45% thought was worth it.

Getting your Young Children to Eat Healthier

Definitely when you have kids, you know the hardship associated with raising them but it is a worthwhile experience and totally worth it.  One of the hardships is trying to feed your kids things that are healthy.  Never mind the chasing and the mouth wiping that is needed on a daily basis.  Food preparation is nowadays really important because of the busy lives we live today.  Another problem is that we don’t have time to stay up to date on information, basically we are overloaded especially being a busy parent.  Feeding the kids healthy food is just another chore doesn’t it?  I know my cousin focuses on providing healthy eating to her young daughter and this in turn helped her Eczema.  Here are some tips that may relieve some of the information overload in hopes to get your kids on the healthy food train as I call it.

Number 1 Tip

First things first, don’t spend so much energy trying to clean up during the time they are eating.  You can do that after as much as it seems not right.  By doing this, you’re letting them eat on their own and providing the time for themselves.  They know when to stop eating and it is way better than see them not eating at all.  Let them explore their own surroundings while at the chair by giving them adult foods such as salads, noodles and soups.  Just give them a small sample on their plate and they will be interested.  Kids are curious as you must know that already.  This is very important to give those adult foods and foods that they aren’t used to.

When they get older, you will be able to easily give them any types of food and they will happily receive them.  If they were stuck with the same foods at a young age, they will turn into picky eater later on.  Nobody really likes picky eaters right?  Also try to add some home-cooked meals to their diet to get their pallets used to different flavors and spices in a slowly manner.  This will also give you insight on what your particular child likes to eat.

Number 2 Tip

Another tip is try to change the serving type of the meals.  You could use a juicer to mix the fruits together or make a smoothie instead of giving them the usual slices of fruits.  This will provide them with exploring different textures of food and aroma.  Another tip is may be make some vegetable soup instead of giving them raw or boil vegetables.  On that note make sure to learn about the benefits of having your own garden.

smootie kiwi mix

When you buy the foods for your children, make sure that many of them have different types of minerals and vitamins that are in them.  Purchase lots of colorful vegetables, lean meats, fish and many types of dairy products (be aware of their allergies).

Number 3 Tip

Another problem that I see many parents doing the past decade is letting their kids watch TV during main meals.  It is fine during snack time, but not during for example dinner.  This really depends on the family but it seems based on research that eating together as a family at the table is a good way to get them to be interactive.  It also provides the parents to observe their kids eating habits.  Children who watch their parents eat different foods will likely do the same but this cannot be done easily in front of the TV.  You can also observe if they are eating at a good pace or if they’re stuffing food down their throats.  They must learn to eat slowly in order to be healthy in the long run.

Why my Family Members have Asthma?

I have several members of my family who suffer from asthma and I noticed that most of them or all of them, or quite overweight. I didn’t really think about it but reading this article online made a bit of sense.

Researchers in California discovered based on recent data that having asthma at a young age has a link to an increase of 50% of being over weight within the next decade of their life.

This stems from data of 2000 students from elementary school in the state of California. This result is quite substantial according to the senior author Dr. Gililand(Preventive Medicine Professor of Keck – Southern California).  A real data study unlike the last article I wrote about a broken heart(which btw I do believe because of stress).


The interesting component is that kids who had asthma but had access to “Rescued” inhalers had the opposite effect of a lower risk of being obese within the next 10 years. Individuals with asthma have a narrow airway which can commonly be inflamed leading to asthma attacks. Many of the common symptoms are shortness of breath, tightness of the chest and constant coughing. The symptoms are usually triggered by physical activities or irritants/dust/pollution in the air. To be diagnosed with asthma, usually the patient has to go through a physical/laboratory examination (lung monitoring of air flow and measuring intake of air), looking at their medical history data, allergy/blood test and an x-ray of the chest area.

Connections between Weight Gain and Asthma?

The prevalence of asthma and being obese has shot up dramatically in the last decades and many researchers believe there could be a connection. Looking at older research, it was the other way around where obese kids had a very high prevalence of asthma. This means there could be a biological connection. Understand that the study looked that the Association of the two and not necessarily a direct effect and cause situation.

This means that it is possible the connection be that younger asthma patients usually do not spend a lot of time outdoors with their peers leading to having lesser physical activity. This could be the reason of the weight gain because of the symptoms of asthma usually being triggered by irritants in the air and physical activity. Another factor to add is that many of the side effects of the medication that asthma sufferers are prescribed leads to weight gain.

At the national level it has been prevalent that many physicians are seeing the link between obesity and asthma. In many cases, the main reason could be that the inactivity in asthma patients is a leading cause of weight gain in many of the younger individuals. The issue is how does a asthma suffer get their daily or weekly physical activities in? One solution is to understand and learn when your asthma is at its highest risk(seasonal?) in order to find the right timing to exercise. You will need to consult with your health advisor or physician for more information on better time management and developing a schedule system plan.

Here are a few some facts on asthma

  • Children who are diagnosed with asthma usually happens before the the age of five.
  • Current treatment can make life easier since there is no cure yet.
  • It is estimated that they are over 200 million people affected with asthma.
  • Most Asthma deaths occur 80% in lower income nation because of the lack of medicine and treatment.

Is Dying from Broken Heart a Real Thing?

It was a sad day for Star Wars fans when Carrie Fisher passed recently.  Days following her death, her mother Debbie Reynolds whom is a legendary actress also passed away.  Miss Reynolds was 84 years old and many have speculated she died of a broken heart after her loss of her daughter Carrie.  Now is this a real ailment and could she really die from?

If you look at many old Romance novels in history books in the past there has been many tales of people dying of a broken heart but medically is this possible?  If we look at it from a scientific point of view, we need to look at it as stress.

Scientific Answer?

The human body is really resilient and can handle stress really well because we can’t escape stress in our everyday life.  Stress can be caused by many factors such as ink stuck in traffic, paying bills, meeting work deadlines and making sure kids get to school.  The list goes on.  The way our body responds to those stress levels is controlled by a hormone that regulates our bodily functions.  This stress hormone helps us gets through many types of stress especially the high level ones such as losing a loved one.

Now if you look closely at the broken heart issue, it can be very real.  This is considered a serious issue especially if the person grieving is not healthy in the first place or of an older age.  It can increase the intensity in that person if he or she is suffering from other issues especially involving health.  When an individual is under a lot of stress there is a huge release of adrenaline that affects the blood and heart vessels.  It is yet understood very well but the current theory is the surge of adrenaline can cause the muscles of the heart to enlarge.  This makes the heart very inefficient at pumping our blood’s through her vessels.  Because of this, it can cause symptoms similar of having chest pains, asthma and even a cardiovascular attack.

The so-called broken heart syndrome, individuals usually make a full recovery in a couple of weeks.  There has been documentation of patient is dying but this is really rare.  It is serious when the individual is over the age of 50 like in the case of Carrie Fisher’s mother, or has other health issues such as depression or anxiety.  Overall there isn’t really a solid answer but the key is to live a positive life, eat well and exercise!
